Hepatitis C: State of Medicaid Access – March 2024 Snapshot
Since its creation in 2017, Hepatitis C: State of Medicaid Access has evaluated hepatitis C treatment policies across state Medicaid programs. In response to advocacy and litigation, many states have reduced or eliminated their restrictions, but significant barriers remain in a majority of jurisdictions. This webinar presents our latest snapshot of the national HCV treatment landscape and our team's insights into the road that lies ahead.

EJI Health: Addressing HCV Among the Recently Incarcerated in Alabama
During the February 2024 Grassroots Advocacy Call, we chatted with Drs. Margaret Hayden and Sanjay Kishore of EJI Health about their work providing free health screenings and services (including hepatitis C and substance use care) to people released from jail or prison in Alabama.

A Fireside Chat on Pharmacists’ Role in Viral Hepatitis Elimination
This Liver Awareness Month and American Pharmacists Month we hosted a fireside chat about pharmacists' role in viral hepatitis elimination, from prevention and testing to care and treatment.

Unlocking HCV Care in Key Settings
National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable (NVHR) and NASTAD hosted a two-day virtual convening showcasing promising models and best practices for integrating hepatitis C testing and treatment into key settings.

Quarterly Hepatitis Roundtable – August 2023
NVHR and Hepatitis B Foundation hosted CDC's Division of Viral Hepatitis to discuss the new 2021 Viral Hepatitis Surveillance Report and the 2023 Viral Hepatitis National Progress Report.

Section 1115 Waivers – Supporting Viral Hepatitis Care in Jails and Prisons
During the June 2023 NVHR Grassroots Advocacy Call we discussed new Medicaid waiver opportunities for covering viral hepatitis and other reentry services in jails and prisons. Download Slides HERE For guidance on model policies for scaling up Hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing and treatment in United States prisons and jails, check out this white paper...

Out of the Clinics, Into the Streets! Frontiers and Front Lines of Screening
The May 2023 NVHR Grassroots Advocacy Call celebrated Hepatitis Testing Day by hearing from clinics and community-based organizations around the country who are leading innovative field and street-based viral hepatitis testing.

Quarterly Hepatitis Roundtable – March 2023
The National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable and Hepatitis B Foundation hosted the first-ever Quarterly Hepatitis Roundtable on March 16, 2023. This quarter, we hosted White House advisors Francis Collins and Rachael Fleurence to discuss a national hepatitis C elimination program.

Hepatitis C: State of Medicaid Access – February 2023 Snapshot
Since its creation in 2017, Hepatitis C: State of Medicaid Access has evaluated hepatitis C treatment policies across state Medicaid programs. In response to advocacy and litigation, many states have reduced or eliminated their restrictions, but significant barriers remain in a majority of jurisdictions. This webinar presents our latest snapshot of the national HCV treatment landscape and our team's insights into the road that lies ahead.

State Prisons Fail to Provide Hepatitis C Treatment
During our January 2023 grassroots advocacy call we sat down with Nick Florko from STAT to discuss his investigation titled "Death Sentence" about the failure of state prisons to provide hepatitis C treatment. Read about the investigation here: https://www.statnews.com/death-sentence/

Drug Trials and Tribulations: Reflections on Equity and Access
This webinar discusses clinical trial experience as it relates to access and equity. This webinar is part TWO of a two-part series intended for patients, advocates, and other stakeholders who are interested in learning more about the clinical trial process for HBV and HDV. The webinar is co-hosted by the Hepatitis B Foundation and the National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable (NVHR).

Demystifying Drug Development: From Molecule to Medicine
This webinar provides an overview of the clinical trial process, current HBV and HDV therapies, and an introduction to interpreting clinical trial data. This webinar is part ONE of a two-part series intended for patients, advocates, and other stakeholders who are interested in learning more about the clinical trial process for HBV and HDV. The webinar is co-hosted by the Hepatitis B Foundation and the National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable (NVHR).

Hepatitis C: State of Medicaid Access – June 2022 Update
Since its creation in 2017, Hepatitis C: State of Medicaid Access has evaluated hepatitis C treatment policies across state Medicaid programs based on three criteria: liver disease severity (“fibrosis”), alcohol and drug use (“sobriety”), and prescriber limitations. In response to advocacy and litigation, these restrictions have been reduced or eliminated in many states, increasing access to lifesaving treatment. Yet significant barriers remain. Hepatitis C: State of Medicaid Access considers new and existing barriers to treatment access and dives deeper into the role that state Medicaid programs play in progressing towards a country free of viral hepatitis.

HCV Point-of-Care Diagnostics
NVHR and Treatment Action Group (TAG) discuss what it will take to make rapid HCV diagnostics a reality in the United States. Dr. Anne Gaynor from the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) walks us through the FDA announcement to reclassify HCV diagnostics.

Pharmacists’ Role in Viral Hepatitis Elimination
Hear from pharmacists across the country who are providing viral hepatitis care in unique settings. During this webinar, we discuss opportunities and barriers to increasing pharmacist involvement in viral hepatitis care.

Build Your Own State Hepatitis Coalition
Hear from Arizona, Hawai'i, Pennsylvania, and Virginia leaders and organizers on strategies and tips for growing a statewide coalition -- getting started, recruiting partners and members, setting priorities, and keeping up engagement and momentum.

Integrating Buprenorphine Treatment into Your Practice: Treatment for Persons with Opioid Use Disorder and HCV
The National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable, in partnership with the Empire Liver Foundation and HepCure, hosted a webinar on prescribing buprenorphine in hepatitis care settings. In this webinar Dr. Maggie Lowenstein discusses practical ways to prescribe medication for opioid use disorder in a patient-centered manner.

Advancing Health Equity Through Adult Hepatitis B Vaccination
Hepatitis B Foundation, Hep B United, AAPCHO, AVAC, NVHR, the National Consumers League (NCL), and The AIDS Institute co-hosted a congressional briefing regarding advancing health equity through adult hepatitis B vaccination in recognition of National Adult Hepatitis B Vaccination Awareness Day (April 30).

Injection Drug Use and Health Disparities Among Puerto Ricans: Implications for HCV Care and Elimination
HepCure, National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable, and Treatment Action Group co-hosted a webinar regarding the injection drug use and health disparities among Puerto Ricans, and implications for HCV care and elimination.

Demystifying 340B for Correctional Institutions
The National Hepatitis Corrections Network (NHCN) and the National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable (NVHR) hosted a webinar and expert Q&A with