Are you a stigma interrupter?

Stigma – whether directed towards people living with viral hepatitis, or towards groups associated with viral hepatitis risk and prevalence – poses a persistent obstacle to effective prevention, diagnosis, and care. Whether driven by bias, fear, or ignorance, expressions of stigma make people feel unwelcome and unsupported, and deter them from accessing services and care. 

We can all support viral hepatitis elimination by committing to interrupt stigma in our environments:

– Speak up against stigmatizing statements and attitudes

– Challenge stigmatizing policies and practices that restrict access to resources and care

– Affirm people experiencing stigma through compassion and respect

This May, for Hepatitis Awareness Month, NVHR invites you to join us in committing to interrupt stigma in your community, workplace, and networks. 

Pledge to Disrupt Viral Hepatitis Stigma

35 signatures
Latest Signatures
35 Stephanie A. Jul 16, 2024
34 Tara S. Jul 01, 2024
33 Alicia S. Jun 28, 2024
32 LL L. Jun 26, 2024
31 Jason Y. Jun 07, 2024
30 Apoorva M. Jun 04, 2024
29 Julie F. Jun 04, 2024
28 Michael M. May 25, 2024
27 Stephanie F. May 25, 2024
26 Christopher A. May 25, 2024
See the Ripple Effects
Spread the word: #HepHappens

You don’t need to be an expert to interrupt stigma, and it’s a muscle anyone can grow with practice!

Need help getting started? Check out our tips on disrupting the flow of stigma when you encounter it →

#justB Video Library & Discussion Guide [Stories by People Living With and Affected by Hepatitis B,
to Challenge Stigma, Support Education, and Advocate for Care
] (HBF)

#BtheVoice Video Library – a global effort to elevate the voices of those living with hepatitis B where storytellers, complimenting the #justB storytelling campaign that focuses on the U.S. Topics covered by storytellers include stigma, discrimination, access to healthcare and more. (HBF)

Words Matter – Terms to Use and Avoid When Talking About Addiction (NIDAMED)

Cultural Humility & Reducing Stigma and Discrimination Provider Handbook (AETC)

Overcoming Barriers Related to HCV Care – Stigma (AETC)

Learn more about stigma and viral hepatitis: 

Harris, M., Guy, D., Picchio, C. A., White, T. M., Rhodes, T., & Lazarus, J. V. (2021). Conceptualising hepatitis C stigma: A thematic synthesis of qualitative research. The International journal on drug policy, 96, 103320. 

Katcher, J. G., Klassen, A. C., Hann, H., Chang, M., & Juon, H. (2024). Racial discrimination, knowledge, and health outcomes: The mediating role of hepatitis b‐related stigma among patients with chronic hepatitis B. Journal of Viral Hepatitis, 31(5), 248–254.

Lee, H., Fawcett, J., Kim, D., & Yang, J. H. (2016). Correlates of Hepatitis B Virus-related Stigmatization Experienced by Asians: A Scoping Review of Literature. Asia-Pacific journal of oncology nursing, 3(4), 324–334.

Saine, M. E., Szymczak, J. E., Moore, T. M., Bamford, L. P., Barg, F. K., Schnittker, J., Holmes, J. H., Mitra, N., & Lo Re, V., 3rd (2020). Determinants of stigma among patients with hepatitis C virus infection. Journal of viral hepatitis, 27(11), 1179–1189. 

Smith-Palmer et al. Impact of Stigma on People Living with Chronic Hepatitis B. Patient Relat Outcome Meas. 2020 Mar 9;11:95-107. 

Tomar, M., Sharma, T., & Prasad, M. (2023). Social challenges experienced by Hepatitis B patients: A mixed method study. Journal of family medicine and primary care, 12(4), 748–755. 

Toumi et al. Experience and impact of stigma in people with chronic hepatitis B: a qualitative study in Asia, Europe, and the United States. BMC Public Health 24, 611 (2024). 

Weiner, S. G., Lo, Y. C., Carroll, A. D., Zhou, L., Ngo, A., Hathaway, D. B., Rodriguez, C. P., & Wakeman, S. E. (2023). The Incidence and Disparities in Use of Stigmatizing Language in Clinical Notes for Patients With Substance Use Disorder. Journal of addiction medicine, 17(4), 424–430.

World Hepatitis Alliance. Hepatitis Stigma Survey: exploring the experiences of living with hepatitis B and/or C.